ATAK 4.7 Released; Other Product Status Discussed

ATAK 4.7 was released today with a bunch of small improvements, including support for Cyrillic (including Ukrainian) languages. You can find a complete, exhaustive discussion of what’s been added/changed/fixed/updated, along with the status of TAKServer, and TAKX in this video from the recent developer off-site, held in Rome, NY . Also, not mentioned in the video, you can now find …

ATAK 4.7 Released; Other Product Status Discussed More

ARIK/Hammer Open Source Posted

The source code for the ATAK Plugin which allows the communication of points/positions to be transmitted over analog/voice radios. The code allows transmission either by holding the phone to the speaker. The code is liable to be useful as a guide post for how to write ATAK plugins, as well as for the off-grid TAK communication. The plugin is not …

ARIK/Hammer Open Source Posted More

Download “Built-in” Plugins That aren’t in the Play Store – ICU, TAK GeoCam, Image Markup, Night Vision

The standard version of ATAK that’s distributed by the TAK Product Center (TPC) includes several plugins/integrated apps with the APK (and the whole thing is marked “Distribution A; Approved For Public Release; Distribution unlimited”. However, these plugins are not part of the Play Store distribution, because of policy limitations on Google’s part. Therefore, I’ve included them here for download. Note …

Download “Built-in” Plugins That aren’t in the Play Store – ICU, TAK GeoCam, Image Markup, Night Vision More

DHS: TAK Impact Grows

Here’s an article from DHS describing their growing use of The Team Awareness Kit (TAK), its impact on their operations, how they’ve used it this year and where they’ve used it. Here’s the whole article: The Team Awareness Kit (TAK) is a digital tool that greatly enhances coordination and collaboration among response teams. This innovative solution enables tactical data to …

DHS: TAK Impact Grows More