Here are documentation for Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK) and TAK networking.
The TAK Jumpstart Wiki – A Reddit hosted resource wiki on TAK. Has most FAQ’s on getting started on the Team Awareness Kit platform.
OpenTAKPickList – a list of web resources, hardware and software that can be used in conjunction with the Team Awareness Kit (TAK) platform.
Archived Documentation:
ZeroTakServer – How to configure a VPN to allow a small network of CivTAK users to collaborate without an actual server. Limit 32 users.
Dummy’s Guide to Offline Imagery on ATAK – Sample XML File and where it goes. This is way out of date for the UI, but it should give you an idea. This was written in 2014 and hasn’t been updated. NOTE: There are other xml formats ATAK supports. This is just an example.
Dummy’s Guide to Capturing Imagery with MOBAC for ATAK — MOBAC is a tool to download offline imagery. You need XML files to do additional sources like Google Maps or Bing Maps. The Offline Imagery Document shows how to do that. This is wildly out of date. It was written in 2014.
Dummy’s Guide to adding Icons in ATAK. So you can add your own custom icons in ATAK. Written in 2014.
CivTAK 4.0 is Public Release. This is the CivTAK 4.0 Public Release approval for CivTAK 4.0 . If you need the original paperwork, please let me know an we will see what we can do.
CivTAK User’s Guide. Version 3.13