Presentation “Ten (20+) Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do In ATAK”
Ten (Really 20+) things you didn’t know you could do with ATAK.
Presentation “Ten (20+) Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do In ATAK” MoreCommunity, News, Licensing, Support and Download for TAK / ATAK Tools
Ten (Really 20+) things you didn’t know you could do with ATAK.
Presentation “Ten (20+) Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do In ATAK” MoreCivTAK 4.1.0 has been released. Its available for download here.
CivTAK 4.1.0 Released MoreUpdate: The SDK is now available for download. The SDK for CivTAK has been released by the TAK Product Center. You can find it here. CivTAK 4.0.7 has also been Open Sourced using the GPL 3 License. You can find that source code here. The next step is likely be CivTAK in the Google Play Store. Update: The SDK has …
SDK Released; CivTAK Open Sourced MoreAJ Johansson posted that he has a script from Par that imports the AlertWildFire.org cameras in California. I’d like to see the script published so people could apply it to other systems.
Script to import Cameras to ATAK MoreHere’s a series of WinTAK-Civ tutorials that have been marked Distribution A — Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. The second Video in the Series.
WinTAK Tutorial Series MoreHere’s a short tutorial on how to customize the toolbar for your personal needs.
Customizing the Action Bar MoreHere’s a quick video on how to add a sensor to ATAK if you have the sensor’s address. After we add the add the sensor, you’ll see how to create a small data package and send the package to your network. Here you can download the data package and import it into any of the TAK products yourself.
Add a Sensor to ATAK & create a Data Package MoreTeamConnect has a bunch of video tutorials on Vimeo to bring you up to speed on ATAK Training. TeamConnect is a great, easy-to-use TAK Server service that is used by many commercial, state and local users. Even if you don’t sign up for TeamConnect, the video tutorials are definitely worth a check. Its a pretty comprehensive set of lessons. Here’s …
TeamConnect Video Tutorials MoreSetup your own simple server for TAK.
ZeroTAKServer-Easy, Light-Weight & Private MoreFor those interested in getting a better understanding of what ATAK-Civ can do, here’s a copy of the manual. for ATAK-Civ 3.6. Here’s the general folder for ATAK-Civ materials.
ATAK-Civ 3.6 Manual More