ATAK Plugin Development Tutorial
Here’s an ATAK Plugin development tutorial. (multiple parts) with video from Godfrey Nolan, of RIIS. See the web pages as well as the videos. Part I: Part II:
ATAK Plugin Development Tutorial MoreCommunity, News, Licensing, Support and Download for TAK / ATAK Tools
Here’s an ATAK Plugin development tutorial. (multiple parts) with video from Godfrey Nolan, of RIIS. See the web pages as well as the videos. Part I: Part II:
ATAK Plugin Development Tutorial MoreThe source code for the ATAK Plugin which allows the communication of points/positions to be transmitted over analog/voice radios. The code allows transmission either by holding the phone to the speaker. The code is liable to be useful as a guide post for how to write ATAK plugins, as well as for the off-grid TAK communication. The plugin is not …
ARIK/Hammer Open Source Posted MoreTeamConnect has a bunch of video tutorials on Vimeo to bring you up to speed on ATAK Training. TeamConnect is a great, easy-to-use TAK Server service that is used by many commercial, state and local users. Even if you don’t sign up for TeamConnect, the video tutorials are definitely worth a check. Its a pretty comprehensive set of lessons. Here’s …
TeamConnect Video Tutorials MoreThere are a number of voices calling for such fast, iterative feedback loops between operational experiences on the one hand and the acceleration of technological solutions on the other, an approach often referred to as “rapid prototyping.” What remain lacking, however, are concrete plans to make this approach a reality within the U.S. military. Some refer to rapid prototyping as a “mindset” or “culture” that needs to be inculcated throughout the force.
SPECIAL OPERATIONS (And ATAK!) AS AN INNOVATION LABORATORY MoreHere’s a video on how to save maps for off-line use. This is great when you want fast, detailed imagery for an area you are going to. The resulting map display is much faster, even if you have Wi-Fi access when doing the imagery, its awesome when you have cellphone-only service, and indespensible if you have neither. This works for …
Saving Off-Line Maps in ATAK More