The standard version of ATAK that’s distributed by the TAK Product Center (TPC) includes several plugins/integrated apps with the APK (and the whole thing is marked “Distribution A; Approved For Public Release; Distribution unlimited”. However, these plugins are not part of the Play Store distribution, because of policy limitations on Google’s part.
Therefore, I’ve included them here for download. Note that these are from 4.1.0. They may not work with later versions. (Update: Support APK’s for 4.1.10 has been uploaded as well on the link.)
Here’s what’s you get:
- ICU is a plugin that does peer to peer video.
- TAK GeoCam is a super-capable tactical camera.
- Image Markup is a graphics editor for marking up those geo-photos with what’s going on.
- Night Vision is a plugin to allow you to use ATAK at night better.
I’ve asked, and the TPC has agreed, to put these in the Play Store, so that they are easily accessible. There will be another post if/when that happens.
download file is ZERO bytes
Where did the Jump Master plugin go?
What about the newest version 4.3?
it says there’s viruses
Did they get placed in the Play Store?
What is their status for ATAK v4.10?