Nett Warrior Trade Study Chooses ATAK

The Nett Warrior program commissioned a trade study  a trade study of various mobile mapping solutions over the past  year.  The study was conducted by the Army Geospatial Center, part of the Army Corps of Engineers.  They selected ATAK over others in the field, including ESRI’s CJMTK. One thing that makes this selection particularly noteworthy is that it was selected …

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Data Ferrying with UAS

Here’s a research paper written to describe AFRL’s project using TAKServer (MARTI) to do data ferrying between disconnected systems. Abstract—The effectiveness of ground-based, wireless tactical data networks is often constrained by limitations such as communication range and line-of-sight. SATCOM is not always available because it is relatively expensive and highly contended. Data ferrying is an alternative method of data transfer …

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AFRL Leverages ATAK for iSTAC Program

From Defense News Systems: The Air Force is starting a new program that could potentially allow users other than the pilot to control airborne sensors—allowing shared access for multiple warfighters. The Information Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory released a presolicitation for the Information Management-Enabled Sensor Tasking and Ad Hoc Control program yesterday. [snip] AFRL plans to leverage three sets of …

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ATAK Wikipedia Page & Tech Transfer Plan

I did a public release presentation at MITRE on ATAK and the ATAK Technology transfer plan this month.  Someone started a Wikipedia page on the project and posted the presentation there. The presentation lays out the rationale and capabilities of the program, why we should make TAK widely distributed, out to the civilian world and why it is that this matters to the DoD …

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