Par Gets AFRL ATAK Contract

According to this article, Par Government Systems was awarded a contract to work on the Special Tactics-Tactical Assault Kit for AFSOC. Here’s the article: PAR Technology’s wholly-owned subsidiary has been awarded a research and development contract with the US Air Force (USAF) Research Laboratory (AFRL) Information Directorate for the special tactics tactical assault kit (ST-TAK) programme. AFRL is developing a …

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Nobody Switching to “‘Faster’ iPhones

There’s an absolutely nonsense story that refuses to die Army Special Operations switching to iPhones. Its total nonsense. Someone heard something second hand about an iPhone app to replace ATAK, and they were iPhone fans. We have an iPhone version of ATAK, which works with the rest of  the ecosystem, but its not ready for prime time yet. There’s no …

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ATAK Integrated with “Stealth Motorcycle”

According to SOF Magazine, DARPA’s SilentHawk, a stealth motorcycle has integrated with ATAK, “with an integrated power interface for an ATAK device” DARPA was commissioned to develop a new stealth motorcycle for the military  in 2014. The goal: a motorcycle with no engine noise that allows the rider to sneak up on the enemy, that has a longer range that …

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CO News Report: ATAK is the “Holy Grail” of Wildland Firefighting

Here’s a news report from 4 CBS Denver covering the  Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control’s use of ATAK and Persistent Systems radios (also a Licensee — they ship many of their radios with ATAK). For ATAK fans, the best part of this was when  David Tally refers to ATAK as “The Holy Grail of firefighting” according to David …

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National Guard Civil Support Teams Adopt ATAK

The National Guard’s Civil Support Teams have adopted ATAK for use in their missions, which according to Wikipedia is approximately counter WMD. The article discusses their need to collaborate with organizations across the civil government, including the FBI, Border Patrol (DHS) and many other agencies.  Here’s what the article said: The team also tested their communications vigorously, using the Mobile …

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Primordial Ground Guidance Integrates w/ ATAK

Primordial Ground Guidance now integrates with ATAK. Here’s a brief description of the features supported: What can it do? Fast route. Ground Guidance generates the fastest route between two points. Movement projection. Movement projection enables one to predict the likely location of an entity (e.g. a downed pilot or sniper fleeing an area) given a last known location, travel duration, and transportation …

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ATAK Tech Transfer Award

The ATAK team got an award for its work in commercializing the ATAK program as required by law.  From the Rome Sentinel: The Rome Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate and the Griffiss Institute received awards during the Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) for Technology Transfer’s Northeast Regional Meeting at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton. For the Rome lab/Information Directorate, the …

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