TAK Tames Dragons

Here’s an article in TAK being used by joint US forces for JADC2 CBR applications. The recent Resolute Dragon 2 (RD2) ATD …. featured several U.S. Marines, airmen, and sailors participating in integrated chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) science and technology (S&T) experiments in Joint Force real-world scenarios to give feedback on the utility of new systems integrating sensors, battlespace-awareness …

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Presidential Report on Modernizing Wildland Firefighting

The President’s Council of Advisors on Science ad Technology (PCAST) has released a report titled “Modernizing Wildland Firefighting to Protect Our Firefighters” led by, led by Nobel Lauret and Cal Tech professor Frances Arnold, with former NASA astronaut Kathi Sullivan, PhD and John Dabiri, also a Cal Tech Professor. The report has five recommendations, the first of which is to …

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Here’s an interesting article from GPS World, titled “Experts urge jamming detection network – Free webinar shows easy method using smartphones” on using a set of connected phones to detect GPS jammers and spoofers. The President’s National Space-based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Advisory Board  … recommends that … “The group’s most recent recommendation is to implement a detection network based on …

ATAK & GPS? More