UAS Tool Now Publicly Available
UAS Tool, WASP Plugins are now available to the public.
UAS Tool Now Publicly Available MoreCommunity, News, Licensing, Support and Download for TAK / ATAK Tools
UAS Tool, WASP Plugins are now available to the public.
UAS Tool Now Publicly Available MoreThis article from Enterprise Security discusses the demand for “fast, accurate communications technology is higher than ever”, how mobile technology can improve situational awareness, and help support a wider range of crises, and that some firefighters are turning to ATAK to fill that need.
Here’s How Fire Departments Can Improve Efficiency Using Mobile… MoreThere’s a TAK Server with a GUI, and its available now.
FTS Now Has an Easy To Use GUI-Its Free & Available Morethe Plugin from the TAK Offsite that integrates with legacy radios to do basic communications in ATAK, variously called either “Hammer” or “ARIK” is now in the Play Store under the name “Hammer”. The plugin is open source, with the source of the Government’s GIT page. I anticipate that it will be resigned for subsequent versions of ATAK, though its …
Hammer Plugin in the Play Store More