Public Documents mentioned in SIBR 23-

Update (9/20/2023): The KnowML APis have been publicly released. They are in the Google Drive link below.

The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is planning to conduct an “Ask Me Anything” regarding its currently pre-released Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) topics to try and integrate Machine Learning to the TAK enterprise. (Link to some public documents related to the topics & AMA information after the jump). There are three topics:

Federal officials will be available to answer questions about the topics and related potential GFE/GFP for the topics, including StreamLineML, KnowML, WingmanAI FuelAI, and others.

You can find public information regarding StreamLineML — a presentation and the source code.

NOTE: The source code is NOT open sourced. It is currently available for inspection, but most rights remain vested with LMCO, who holds the copyright. The code may be made available under performance on a contract upon request, and may be open sourced at a later date.

If you have questions for the AMA, please post them here.

Update (9/12/2023): Added two KNOWML presentations.

Update (9/13/2023):

The AMA for the SIBRs will take place at 1pm, TUESDAY September 19. It will be broadcast from the Innovare facility near the Griffiss Airport.

The registration link is:

Questions may be submitted through the YouTube Chat, or by sending them in ahead of time to the TPOC listed in the solicitation.

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