Phones Revolutionize Operational Supply Chain

This article from Isreali web site discusses phones and tablets for use in a variety of operational uses, including supply chain management and flight planning. There’s a discussion of ATAK, but this was also interesting: US warfighters expect that their field equipment have the same functionality and capability as their personal, commercial mobile devices. Consequently, rugged mobile computing is …

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Fox News: Hacking risk rises ‘exponentially’ for troops using personal devices, experts warn

This is NOT a story about ATAK, but one of its competitors. One outstanding piece of advice from this article is that you should only use software operationally that’s properly vetted an configured for your system. DO NOT use your personal device operationally — doing so is taking risks you don’t fully understand. Troops who bring their personal tablets and …

Fox News: Hacking risk rises ‘exponentially’ for troops using personal devices, experts warn More

DOD tests drone ‘hive’ for rapid resupply

From Defense Systems News: Marine Reserves Maj. Christopher Thobaben came up with the idea for an automated system for delivering supplies to troops. He sent a basic sketch to a friend who told him to make it official. “I was very critical of Marine Corps logistics and our innovation since World War II,” Thobaben said. For more than a half-century, …

DOD tests drone ‘hive’ for rapid resupply More

ATAK Used by USMC For Drone Control

Here’s an article on how the Marine Corps is using ATAK for Drone control and resupply. From the article, Since the Civil War, the US military has been famous for wholesale logistics, building “iron mountains” of supplies. But now we might be entering an era of retail, robotic resupply. The Marines pioneered the idea of supply drones with the K-MAX unmanned helicopter in …

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