Non-GPS Location with ATAK

GPS world reports on a new distributed localization tool integrated with ATAK for navigation. From the article: Created by Robotic Research, a manufacturer of autonomy and robotic technology, the system provides localization and positioning data for teams entering underground facilities and traveling inside buildings and in urban canyons. According to the company, multiple systems — including, besides WarLoc, robotic systems, UAVs …

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Are You Ready for Some [Drone] Football? (Controlled by ATAK)

Here’s another article on Robotic Research’s Pegasus III UAS controlled by ATAK, th time from Inside Unmanned Systems: The company’s goal was familiar to the UAS world—prevent injuries and save lives—but a growing emphasis on miniaturization came forward. “A ground robot has a hard time climbing stairs,” Frelk explained. “How do we have a robot that can do multiple things?” …

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Robotic Research Gets $16M to Integrate w/ ATAK

This article from, describes an order from the US Army to Robotic Research, which integrates ATAK with WarLoc, a non-GPS Geolocation solution. Through this deal the company is offering its tech, called WarLoc, to help better equip four deployed U.S. Army Brigade Combat Teams in different locations, a press release states. The first batch of WarLoc units have already been shipped to …

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